We need a little push from behind
We need a firm grip on the rope to be able to take the next step forward.
We need to really want to see the view at the top.
This year started for me with a bang – a full calendar of events, adventures overseas and a vision of what I wanted to achieve.
But the universe had other ideas and COVID-19 made the mountain more treacherous, the view at the top obscured by a storm. We all lost our footing on what we thought we were going to achieve, enjoy or celebrate this year.
But I kept catching glimpses of the sun in those gaps in the clouds. I knew that giving up was not going to get me there. I had to find a different route up the mountain.
And then I found an even better view!
A chance opportunity to blend everything I love – Inspiring people, sharing Health and Longevity and money. Yes money buys us freedom of time and we all love time! It also enables us to help others and help others up the mountain.
And the most importantly blessing was to meet incredible like-minded high vibe people to share it with. It’s priceless.