I have taken this laptop around the world and written wherever I find a space. Often I have been the last one called to the plane or my coffee has gone cold in a cafe as I went someplace else through my words.
Yes we all have layers. Beliefs, hurts, traumas, other people’s stuff that have buried their way into our cells. Yes emotions get locked away deep into them and cause disease. I learnt that along the way too.
Going back through time isn’t easy. There is no way you can avoid the bits you didn’t like. Writing this memoir has been like sitting on a rollercoaster going in reverse or being pulled backwards through a hedge that I have taken years to grow. I wanted to scream and cry most of the time but there were sweet moments at the top when the view of where I had been was just breathtaking. Yes life has been a wonderful kaleidoscope of experiences and every one of them has been part of my growth, moving towards the core of who I really am and the way back home to me.
And now in the edit stage I am back on the ride going backwards. This time I really don’t want to get back on. I am desperate to move on but I have paid for the ride.
At home or away I always set up my space in preparation for the necessary clearing of all the debris from the mind. In the tropics there is a freshly chopped coconut or a steaming mug of tea on a cold winter’s day. I light a candle and some essential oil is always diffusing by my side. Setting up a sacred space is vital to be able to stay sat for hours in solitude. It was a discipline, part of my commitment to write this book.
It started as a knowing, a calling that it needed to be written but the message it contained remained elusive until it was finished. It started like invisible ink but as time went on the message shone through loud and clear why I was called to write it. It’s a journey of healing and wellness seen through the lens of a woman travelling the world.